About email addresses

Your email account is directly related to your X account. You should use a secure and private email address to associate with your X account. If you forget your X password, instructions for resetting it can be emailed to your email address upon request.

If you do not have a secure email account, you do not have a secure X account.

Email security checklist
  1. Use a strong, unique password and keep it safe.

    • When you set up your account, be sure to choose a strong password (at least 10 characters that include upper and lower case characters, numbers, and symbols).
    • Do not share your password with anyone. No matter how strong your password is, if someone else knows it, it’s no longer secure.
    • Do not use the same password on multiple sites or for multiple accounts on the same site. One compromise can lead to many others.
    • Do not use the same password for your email and X account.
  2. Use a password management system that will generate and store strong passwords for you. Both 1password and Lastpass are good options.

Learn more

For more information, you can visit the following links:

My account has been compromised

If you suspect your account has been compromised, you can find out what to do on our compromised accounts help page.

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