We’re opening up the conversation and turning it over to the people who are participating in Spaces. This Community is a dedicated place for us to connect with you on all things Spaces, whether it’s feedback around features, ideas for improvement, or any general thoughts.
Who can join?
Anyone on Spaces can join, whether you are a host, speaker, or listener.
How do I join the Community?
You can request to join the X Spaces Feedback Community here. By requesting to join, you are agreeing to our Community rules.
Learn more about Communities on X.
As a Community admin or moderator, you can create and host a Space for your Community members to join.
Spaces Social Narrative
A social narrative is a simple story that describes social situations and social behaviors for accessibility.
X Spaces allows me to join or host live audio-only conversations with anyone.
1. When I join a X Space, that means I’ll be a listener. I can join any Space on X, even those hosted by people I don’t know or follow.
2. I can join a Space by selecting a profile photo with a purple, pulsing outline at the top of my timeline, selecting a link from someone’s post, or a link in a Direct Message (DM).
3. Once I’m in a Space, I can see the profile photos and names of some people in the Space, including myself.
4. I can hear one or multiple people talking at the same time. If it’s too loud or overwhelming, I can turn down my volume.
5. As a listener, I am not able to speak. If I want to say something, I can send a request to the host. The host might not approve my request though.
6. If the host accepts my request, I will become a speaker. It may take a few seconds to connect my microphone, so I’ll have to wait.
7. Now I can unmute myself and speak. Everyone in the Space will be able to hear me.
8. When someone says something I want to react to, I can choose an emoji to show everyone how I feel. I will be able to see when other people react as well.
9. I can leave the Space at any time. After I leave, or when the host ends the Space, I’ll go back to my timeline.
1. When I start a Space, that means I’ll be the host. Anyone can join my Space, even people I don’t know and people I don’t follow.
2. Once I start my space, it may take a few seconds to be connected, so I’ll have to wait.
3. Now I’m in my Space and I can see my profile photo. If other logged-in, people have joined, I will be able to see their profile photos, too.
4. I will start out muted, which is what the microphone with a slash through it means. I can mute and unmute myself, and anyone in my Space, at any time.
5. I can invite people to join my Space by sending them a Direct Message (DM), sharing the link in a post, and by copying the link and sharing it somewhere else like in an email.
6. Up to 10 other people can have speaking privileges in my Space at the same time, and I can choose who speaks and who doesn’t. People can also request to speak, and I can choose to approve their request or not.
7. When people join my Space, I may hear one or multiple people speaking at the same time. If I think they’re too loud, I can turn down my volume or mute them.
8. I can revoke speaking privileges, and block, remove or report someone if they’re being offensive or disruptive to me or others.
9. When someone says something I want to react to, I can choose an emoji to show everyone how I feel. I will be able to see when other people react as well.
10. When I end my space it will end for everyone.